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Ed Viglia III LPC

Working as a Licensed Counselor for over ten years. I have identified the importance and embrace the
holistic approach to healing of the mind, body, and soul. The synergy of the psychological, physiological,
the whole mind/ body connection produces an effect greater than the sum of its parts.
As a practitioner I utilize a person-centered approach. I incorporate Psychotherapy modalities such as,
CBT, DBT and mindfulness to help guide the individual through processing their thoughts, feelings and
Upon doing so, you and I will discover the root cause of your concerns and address those. As a
practitioner, I meet the individual where they are and guide them nonjudgmentally with empathy and
compassion towards the enlightenment they seek.
Gaining the wisdom and enlightenment the individual seeks will help the individual gain agency. The
individual will have the sense of control that one feels in life and will also gain the competency to
influence one’s own thoughts and behaviors. This will help instill faith that one can handle a multitude
of tasks and situations in everyday life.
I’m looking forward to meeting with you and helping you on your way!

500 Brown Blvd.
Bourbonnais, IL 60914

(815) 214-9766

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